Sell My Home in Seconds!™

Add value to your home for sale by having it Move In Certified. 

If you're getting ready to put your home on the market, take the first step in preparing your home for sale with a seller inspection from Gateway. A pre-inspected home encourages more interest from buyers, eliminates surprises, and  puts your property at a competitive advantage on the market. MoveInCertified homes have been pre-inspected by Gateway and the sellers confirm that there are no major systems in need of immediate repair or replacement and no known safety hazards.

Seller Inspections

Gateways pre-listing visual non-invasive home inspection provides you with comprehensive information on the current physical condition of your home and includes observations for property repairs and/or enhancements to improve the home’s value and marketability. Our pre-listing inspection can help gain the confidence of the buyer and put your home ahead of the competition with Move In Certified.   

A pre-listing home inspection from Gateway includes over 300 items, from the roof  to the foundation and all the major components of the house - electrical, plumbing and heating/air conditioning. The inspection takes 21/2 to 3 hours depending on the size of the home.

Inspected Items
  • Foundation
  • Structure
  • Basement or crawl space
  • Interior and exterior walls
  • Siding
  • Electrical system
  • Water heater
  • Heating and air conditioning systems
  • Fireplace and exterior chimney
  • Plumbing system and fixtures
  • Porches and decks
  • Attic
  • Roof
  • Gutters

Additional Benefits

  • Gateway's comprehensive Home Inspection Report, delivered within 24 hours (next business day)– often times the same day.
  • Marketing materials from MoveInCertified. Your home has been pre-inspected by Gateway and the sellers confirm that there are no major systems in need of immediate repair or replacement and no known safety hazards.
  • A Preventive Home Maintenance Guide with a seasonal maintenance schedule to take with you to your new home.
  • A summary section in the report highlighting the special qualities of your home that are of interest to prospective buyers.